Payment for legal services

Attorney accounting rules are a bit tricky, so please contact me before making a payment. After we have agreed on the fees, you can submit electronic payments for my patent and IP services through either LawPay (preferred) or PayPal (as a backup).
You can use LawPay (essentially “Paypal for attorneys”) for both USPTO and attorney fees. This portal accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and electronic checks. If you want me to pay a USPTO patent or trademark fee for you, separate the USPTO fee from the other attorney fees, and submit the USPTO fee, by itself, through the LawPay USPTO account link below.
You are probably more familiar with Paypal, and you can use it for attorney fees if you have problems with Lawpay. You can also use it whenever I tell you it is OK. This Paypal interface works like a standard online shopping cart. Enter the amount you wish to purchase in units of $1.00 (you can type in the number). The system will also ask you for your address for “shipping and handling,” but there is no actual shipping fee. You can make payment either using your PayPal account or by giving your credit card to PayPal and by following their instructions on the checkout page. To use a credit card, please select the “check out” box on the shopping cart page.
- LawPay
Make payments for USPTO fees through this USPTO account link. | |
Make attorney fee payments through this standard account link. |
- Paypal (Lawpay preferred; this is a backup in case of problems with LawPay)
- Paper checks
I also take old-style paper checks, as well. However, these take longer to go through the mail, and the Bank processing takes additional time. So don’t use paper checks for time-sensitive projects (projects that are close to a deadline).
Please contact me if you want to make a payment using other methods. See the FAQ for more questions about the process.